SPECIAL LIFETIME OFFER to 2099; webinar Coupon Code ‘W24’


We offer a ‘One-Stop Total System’ program using our proprietary software. The exclusive software is based on our real time intra-day research over many years of the S&P500 Futures; NASDAQ, Dow Jones and Russell 2000.

The indicators combine to form a critical path of checks & balances in real-time. Old time or lagging indicators are replaced by instant analytic intelligence.

In providing structure and logic to each day, we use a number of proprietary indicators that inform and project, and couple these with immediate checks and balances using each day’s critical time and price zones.  These are best explained as the;

  • Daily Matrix Island Combination ©
  • Daily Market Time & Price Meter ©
  • Daily Cross -Market Reference Indicator
  • Daily GPS Market Position Guide
  • Our proprietary 30 Minute market key
  • Key Support & Resistance Prices generated by up to the minute feed-back

DMIC2059 Proprietary Software is custom-built to fit each new intra-day market. We have carefully combined this into graphics that are clear & easy to understand.

Each program includes the Proprietary Software, with Manual carefully explaining how the AI DMIC2059 software analyzes the real-time movement of the Intra-day market.

The Manual includes an ‘Introduction’ with a program overview, plus a ‘Prologue’ showing the latest Software charts up front, for a fast start.  The main ‘Reference Manual’ has research chart examples over a number of years, and tables to illustrate the narrative. The Manual is a PDF file. The narrative on each page is generally no more than five lines to make points clearly. The main Manual contains all the research points, which can be reviewed in your own time alongside the live software. Also included is an Express Manual of about 150 pages, making the major points quickly. The Express Manual can be read over the weekend.

Contact us any time with questions. We are concerned, dedicated and eager to help.

The program is an educational and training program for Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced;

Can immediately enter the Advanced Real-Time Analysis of the E-Mini

                 S&P500;     NASDAQ;       Russell 2000;        DJ;

                  ES                NQ                   RTY                     YM   


Business Terms summary;

  • Licenses are issued giving access to the proprietary IAI Software and Manuals. The Program is for a minimum period of 3 months; This first quarter (or first three months) is a learning curve, and the initial charge for the quarter is $795.00;
  • Each quarter (three months) after that new rate is reduced to $495.00.
  • Charges are made quarterly, in advance of each quarter. After each initial license period, the license is automatically renewed for each new quarter. Cancellations after the initial minimum period must reach us by email, seven days prior to the start of your new quarter.


  • All questions should first be emailed to be sure we understand your question. We will get back to you Monday-Friday as soon as possible, either the same day or within about 24 hours. We can set-up a weekly phone appointment if that will help.


Business Terms summary; Licenses are issued giving access to the proprietary IAI Software and both Manuals. Program one is for a minimum period of  2 quarters (6 months). Charges are made quarterly, in advance of each quarter. After each initial license period, the license is automatically renewed for each new quarter, at the monthly charge shown. Cancellations after the initial minimum period must reach us by email, seven days prior to the start of a new quarter. You can also email any questions. A webinar is held every Thursday at 4.30pmedt. We reserve the right to alter this time for any reason. Holiday Weeks that do not have 5 full trading days will not have a Thursday webinar. Up-dates are free to all licensees.

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By completing this transaction, the licensee accepts the following terms and conditions.  Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. The information on this dmic2059 website is solely for informational purposes. Nothing on this website is a solicitation to buy or sell futures or options. No representation is made that any account will achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. Persons acting on this information are responsible for their own actions and choices. Past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. In the event of any dispute, claim or cause of action, DMIC2029 LLC & DMIC2059.COM, in its sole discretion, retains the right to refund any fee paid in full settlement. The software is proprietary containing specific proprietary information and is for the sole use of the licensee. It may not be reproduced or used in any manner by other parties. CFTC Rules 4.41 – Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations, unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight.



New Intra-Day E-Mini Proprietary Software– Stand-alone Total Program; Instant A.I

Purpose built for S&P500(ES) –NASDAQ (NQ)-DJ(YM) –Russell 2000(RTY)

& Financial Futures. New- Intra-Day Time & Price Meter ©; chart/panel team indicators

For Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced.

Software Manual Content

(A) Over-View

1) Start-up!
2) Over-View
3) New Intra-Day Wave Indicator
4) Break-Out
5) DMIC 1 – 3 -10 Day Relationships (Context & Swing)
6) Part A) Objective Met
Part B) Non-Trend Market Days – Early Recognition
Part C) Market Reverse Projected

(B) Proprietary Software Analysis & Signals

7) Proprietary Software – Parts A-B-C
8) Intra-Day Market – Daily Time & Price Meter
9) The Intra-Day Market Key

(C) Research Details

10) Part A) Conditions Precedent &
Part B) DMIC Financial Index Cross-Reference Indicator
11) Conflict
12) Sell Days – How Software Projected The Flash Crash & Other Key Sell-Off Days
13) Buy Days – The Formula
14) Narrow Range Days – Projected Analysis At  665 Crash Low
15) Part A) Full Range Days
Part B) Volatile Days                  –   The New Analysis
Part C) DMIC Code Indicator    –    Code keys

(D) Index Reference

16) Chapters 1 – 15 Individual Chapter Menus


New Intra-Day E-Mini Proprietary Software– Stand-alone Total Program; Instant A.I

Purpose built for S&P500(ES) –NASDAQ (NQ)-DJ(YM) –Russell 2000(RTY)

& Financial Futures. New- Intra-Day Time & Price Meter ©; chart/panel team indicators

For Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced.


Software Manual Content

(A) Over-View

1) Start-up!
2) Over-View
3) New Intra-Day Wave Indicator
4) Break-Out
5) DMIC 1 – 3 -10 Day Relationships (Context & Swing)
6) Part A) Objective Met
Part B) Non-Trend Market Days – Early Recognition
Part C) Market Reverse Projected

(B) Proprietary Software Analysis & Signals

7) Proprietary Software – Parts A-B-C
8) Intra-Day Market – Daily Time & Price Meter
9) The Intra-Day Market Key

(C) Research Details

10) Part A) Conditions Precedent &
Part B) DMIC Financial Index Cross-Reference Indicator
11) Conflict
12) Sell Days – How Software Projected The Flash Crash & Other Key Sell-Off Days
13) Buy Days – The Formula
14) Narrow Range Days – Projected Analysis At  665 Crash Low
15) Part A) Full Range Days
Part B) Volatile Days                  –   The New Analysis
Part C) DMIC Code Indicator    –    Code keys

(D) Index Reference

16) Chapters 1 – 15 Individual Chapter Menus